Cross Country


PAC Cross Country typically competes between 1 and 3.1 miles (5k) races and offers boys' and girls' middle school (5th-8th grade) teams and boys' and girls' high school teams. Courses can be rolling hills with grass to flat with asphalt and concrete. Cross Country is a TEAM sport. A team is as strong as the individuals on it. Cross Country is a sport that focuses on endurance running. In South Carolina, most state meets occur between the final week of October and mid-November.

The middle school and high school season for cross country is from August to December, depending on the state you are in. In South Carolina, most state meets occur between the final week of October and mid-November. Following the state meets, runners can participate in a few extra races. Nike, Footlocker, and Garmin sponsor these meets. Nike and Footlocker have several regional qualifying meets where a runner can potentially earn a spot in a national championship race. Nike's championship race is in Portland, OR. Footlocker's national championship race is in San Diego, CA. Garmin's meet is held in Huntsville, AL, and requires no qualification.

Training Distance Expectations

  • New runners- 3 miles
  • Returning 7th and 8th grade girls should be able to comfortably run 3.5-4 miles. Returning 7th and 8th grade boys should be able to comfortably run 4-4.5 miles.
  • Returning Freshman girls should be able to comfortably run 4.5-5 miles. Returning Freshman boys should be able to comfortably run 5-5.5 miles.
  • Returning Sophomore girls should be able to comfortably run 5.5-6 miles. Returning Sophomore boys should be able to comfortably run 6-6.5 miles
  • Returning Junior girls should be able to comfortably run 6.5-7 miles. Returning Junior boys should be able to comfortably run 7-7.5 miles.
  • Returning Senior girls should be able to comfortably run 8 miles. Returning Senior boys should be able to comfortably run 9 miles.

These distances will not be run every day. They represent a measure of strength and readiness to begin training. A typical week of cross country consists of one long run (what you see represented above), and a series of shorter distances the runners cover in workouts, recovery runs, and rest days. We follow the 80/20 rule. This means 80% of the running we do is at a comfortable and relaxed effort.

Sponsors of PAC Cross Country